A Closer Look at the TRIBINE
Willie Vogt of Farm Industry News interviewed the President of Tribine Harvester, Ben Dillon, during the Farm Progress Show 2016.
This is an excellent article with lots of great detail on the all new Tribine.
Farm Industry News Article Link Please use this link to the left to read and view the slideshow on the Farm Industry News website.
How does the grain gets to the bin in the rear?
How does the two engine design work?
What are the specifications on the massive cleaning system?
How does this system of harvesting to reduce compaction?
When just looking at the outside of the Tribine, we often see assumptions written about the Tribine in social media. But the detail here shows how Tribine was designed and engineered to make changes for the better in multiple areas. The Tribine is build from the ground up, not on an existing combine. The focus is on making farmers more money by improving how a harvester works in the field.
As you read the article and have additional questions, please reach out to us on our contact page
The new Tribine attracted thousand of visitors to the booth and to watch the Tribine in the field at the Farm Progress Show. To see Tribine in action, we will be at Husker Harvest Days in Grand Island Nebraska, September 13th-15th 2016.